Firing Rate Constraint

Firing Rate Constraint

Lambda Key: lambda_fr

Firing rate loss function. The Firing rate loss function is defined as:

\[\mathcal{L}_{fr} = \frac{\lambda_{fr}}{B \times T \times N_{hid}} \sum_{b,t,i=0}^{B, T, N_{hid}} r_{b,t,i}^2\]
  • $ B $: number of batches.
  • $ T $: number of time steps.
  • $ N_{hid} $: number of hidden neurons.
  • $ r_{b,t,i} $: firing rate of the $i$-th neuron at time $t$ in the $b$-th batch.

Firing Rate Constraint (SD)

Lambda Key: lambda_fr_sd

Regularize the standard deviation of the firing rate.

\[\mathcal{L}_{fr\_sd} = \lambda_{fr\_sd} \sqrt{\frac{1}{N_{hid}} \sum_{n=0}^{N_{hid}} \left(\frac{1}{B \times T} \sum_{b,t=0}^{B,T} r_{b,t} - \mu \right)^2}\] \[\mu = \frac{1}{B \times T \times N_{hid}} \sum_{b,t,i=0}^{B, T, N_{hid}} r_{b,t,i}\]
  • $ B $: number of batches.
  • $ T $: number of time steps.
  • $ N_{hid} $: number of hidden neurons.
  • $ r_{b,t,i} $: firing rate of the $i$-th neuron at time $t$ in the $b$-th batch.
  • $ \mu $: mean firing rate.

Firing Rate Constraint (CV)

Lambda Key: lambda_fr_cv

Regularize the coefficient of variation of the firing rate.

\[\mathcal{L}_{fr\_cv} = \lambda_{fr\_cv} \frac{\sigma}{\mu}\]
  • $ \sigma $: standard deviation of the firing rate of the neuron.
  • $ \mu $: network mean firing rate.

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