

This document provides a detailed description of the RNNLoss module, its functionality, and the mathematical formulation for each loss component.


The RNNLoss module computes a composite loss for a CTRNN model. It includes various loss components to constrain the model’s behavior and promote specific properties like sparsity, firing rate regularization, and output accuracy.

Key Features:

  • Modular loss components, each associated with a lambda weight.
  • Loss functions for sparsity in input, hidden, and readout layers.
  • Firing rate regularization with multiple metrics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation).
  • Mean Squared Error (MSE) for output predictions.


  • model (CTRNN):
    The recurrent neural network model for which the loss is computed. Must be an instance of CTRNN.

  • Keyword Arguments:
    Coefficients for individual loss components:

    • lambda_mse (float, default: 1):
      Weight for the Mean Squared Error loss.
    • lambda_in (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the sparsity loss of the input layer.
    • lambda_hid (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the sparsity loss of the hidden layer.
    • lambda_out (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the sparsity loss of the readout layer.
    • lambda_fr (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the firing rate loss.
    • lambda_fr_sd (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the standard deviation of firing rates.
    • lambda_fr_cv (float, default: 0):
      Weight for the coefficient of variation of firing rates.

Loss Components

InputLayer Sparsity

Lambda Key: lambda_in

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{in}} = \frac{\lambda_{\text{in}}}{N_{\text{in}} N_{\text{hid}}} ||\mathbf{W}_{\text{in}}||_F^2\]
  • $ N_{\text{in}} $: Number of input neurons.
  • $ N_{\text{hid}} $: Number of hidden neurons.
  • $ \mathbf{W}_{\text{in}} $: Weight matrix of the input layer.

HiddenLayer Sparsity

Lambda Key: lambda_hid

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{hid}} = \frac{\lambda_{\text{hid}}}{N_{\text{hid}}^2} ||\mathbf{W}_{\text{hid}}||_F^2\]
  • $ N_{\text{hid}} $: Number of hidden neurons.
  • $ \mathbf{W}_{\text{hid}} $: Weight matrix of the hidden layer.

ReadoutLayer Sparsity

Lambda Key: lambda_out

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{out}} = \frac{\lambda_{\text{out}}}{N_{\text{out}} N_{\text{hid}}} ||\mathbf{W}_{\text{out}}||_F^2\]
  • $ N_{\text{out}} $: Number of readout neurons.
  • $ N_{\text{hid}} $: Number of hidden neurons.
  • $ \mathbf{W}_{\text{out}} $: Weight matrix of the readout layer.

Firing Rate

Lambda Key: lambda_fr

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{fr}} = \frac{\lambda_{\text{fr}}}{B \cdot T \cdot N_{\text{hid}}} \sum_{b,t,i=1}^{B,T,N_{\text{hid}}} r_{b,t,i}^2\]
  • $ B $: Number of batches.
  • $ T $: Number of time steps.
  • $ N_{\text{hid}} $: Number of hidden neurons.
  • $ r_{b,t,i} $: Firing rate of the $ i $-th neuron at time $ t $ in the $ b $-th batch.

Firing Rate Standard Deviation (SD)

Lambda Key: lambda_fr_sd

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{fr\_sd}} = \lambda_{\text{fr\_sd}} \sqrt{\frac{1}{N_{\text{hid}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{hid}}} \left( \bar{r}_i - \mu \right)^2}\] \[\mu = \frac{1}{B \cdot T \cdot N_{\text{hid}}} \sum_{b,t,i=1}^{B,T,N_{\text{hid}}} r_{b,t,i}\]
  • $ \bar{r}_i $: Mean firing rate of neuron $ i $.
  • $ \mu $: Overall mean firing rate.

Firing Rate Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Lambda Key: lambda_fr_cv

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{fr\_cv}} = \lambda_{\text{fr\_cv}} \frac{\sigma}{\mu}\]
  • $ \sigma $: Standard deviation of firing rates across neurons.
  • $ \mu $: Mean firing rate of the network.

Mean Squared Error (MSE)

Lambda Key: lambda_mse

Mathematical Formulation:

\[\mathcal{L}_{\text{mse}} = \frac{\lambda_{\text{mse}}}{B \cdot T \cdot N_{\text{out}}} \sum_{b,t,k=1}^{B,T,N_{\text{out}}} \left( \hat{y}_{b,t,k} - y_{b,t,k} \right)^2\]
  • $ B $: Number of batches.
  • $ T $: Number of time steps.
  • $ N_{\text{out}} $: Dimension of the outputs.
  • $ \hat{y}_{b,t,k} $: Predicted output.
  • $ y_{b,t,k} $: Ground truth output.


forward(pred, label, **kwargs)

Computes the total loss and individual component losses.


  • pred (torch.Tensor): Predicted outputs of shape $(-1, B, 2)$.
  • label (torch.Tensor): Ground truth labels of shape $(-1, B, 2)$.
  • kwargs (dict): Additional inputs for specific loss components (e.g., states).


  • total_loss (torch.Tensor): Sum of all weighted losses.
  • loss_components (torch.Tensor): Individual loss components.


total_loss, losses = rnn_loss(pred=predicted_outputs, label=ground_truth, states=hidden_states)

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