v1.1.0 Change Logs

  • Added supports for multiple layers.
  • Renamed sparsity_constraints as sparsity_masks.
  • Renamed positivity_constraints as ei_masks.
  • Added plasticity_masks, defines whether a connection is fixed throughout the training.
  • Added synapse_growth_masks, defines whether a node could grow new synapses (whether an edge with zero value could change to nonzero).


  • Add custom constraint wrapper.
  • Change visualize() in the nn4n.structure to plot_masks().
  • Change masks() in the nn4n.structure to get_masks().
  • Change the loss to functional forms. (e.g. function(model) -> loss). It might be better to also have a function that gets the specific model attributes (i.e., an interface cuz the model might change).
  • Rename criterion to constraint.
  • Change quickstart example to a more complex example.
  • Change BaseStruct to BaseMask.
  • Change top icons to actual links
  • The EIRNN example need to be change to the actual example.

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