

This class is a child class of MultiArea. It will generate a multi-area RNN with E/I constraints. Therefore, by default, the input/hidden/readout masks are signed masks. Use cautious as it will change the sign of the weights.


Inherited Parameters

This class inherits all parameters from MultiArea. See MultiArea for more details.

Other Parameters

Parameter Default Type Description
ext_pct 0.8 float Percentage of excitatory neurons
inter_area_connections [True, True, True, True] list (of booleans) Allows for what type of inter-area connections. inter_area_connections must be a boolean list of 4 elements, denoting whether ‘exc-exc’, ‘exc-inh’, ‘inh-exc’, and ‘inh-inh’ connections are allowed between areas. see inter-area connections under EI constraints.
inh_readout True boolean Whether to readout inhibitory neurons

Inter-Area Connections Under EI Constraints

Depending on the specific problem you are investigating on, it is possible that you want to eliminate inhibitory connections between areas. Or, you might not want excitatory neurons to connect to inhibitory neurons in other areas. See figure below for different cases of inter-area connections under EI constraints.

To specify what kinds of inter-area connections you want to keep, simple pass a 4-element boolean list to inter_area_connections. The 4 elements denotes whether to keep inter-area ‘exc-exc’, ‘exc-inh’, ‘inh-exc’, and ‘inh-inh’ connections.

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